
Community Plan 2020-2026 - Section 2:

The Merton Partnership

​The Merton Partnership brings together a range of key partners from the public, private and community and voluntary sectors in Merton. Its aim is to provide leadership and to co-ordinate joined up responses to issues where there is real benefit to different groups working together to improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of those that live and work in the borough.

Within the Partnership there are four thematic networks that co-ordinate activities and that will ensure that the actions in the Community Plan are being carried out.  As well as delivering the Community Plan, these thematic networks are also responsible for developing and implementing a number of key partnerships plans – see diagram below. 

The Merton Partnership Executive Board provides oversight and a forum for the executive leads from each network to come together to review progress and problem solve.  As set out above, the priorities in the Community Plan are drawn from the key partnership strategies and collectively the Merton Partnership will deliver the overarching priority to increase social capital in those communities and neighbourhoods experiencing the worst outcomes.

Children's Trust

Merton's Children's Trust brings together partners involved in providing services to children and families in Merton. The Board encompasses a wide range of different groups and partnerships, overseeing their performance and activities. The Children's Trust is designed to deliver the outcomes set out in Merton's Children & Young People Plan which includes improving outcomes for those subject to the effects of disadvantage, safeguarding children and young people and closing the gap in educational outcomes and opportunity.

Safer and Stronger Communities

Incorporating the statutory Community Safety Partnership, the subgroup is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction for community safety and the community cohesion agenda in the borough. The Community Safety Partnership has a statutory duty to undertake an annual strategic assessment to inform and shape the boroughs approach to addressing crime and disorder issues. Key themes for the Community Safety Partnership include; reducing crime and the fear of crime and reducing alcohol related violence in a sustainable manner whilst supporting those who are affected by alcohol dependency. The Community Safety Partnership also works to address anti-social behaviour and its effects on communities as well as individuals.

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Board brings together the Council, Clinical Commissioning Group, HealthWatch and the voluntary and community sector to provide local strategic leadership on health and wellbeing. The focus of the Board is to make Merton a healthy place, by creating the physical and social conditions for all people to thrive and to complement the provision of holistic health and care services. This approach and key outcomes are set out in the new Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-24 – A Healthy Place for Healthy Lives together with the Board's way of working including a commitment involve communities and specifically to include the voice of children and young people.

Sustainable Communities and Transport Partnership

Established to create a more sustainable borough, one which is less reliant on fossil fuel and which reduces its negative impact on the environment and climate change, the Partnership aims to balance the different social, economic and environmental components of the community to meet the needs of existing and future generations. The Partnership promotes investment into the borough in order to create new jobs, improve the skills and capacity of residents, and to improve the condition and supply of housing including affordable housing. The Partnership also works to promote the development of sustainable transport including cycling and walking, as well as public transport in and around Merton.