On this page
The Merton Partnership publishes a number of documents that aim to deliver improved outcomes for people living in Merton across all areas of borough life. These documents can be found through this page.
Community Plan
Merton's Community Plan is the overarching strategic plan of the Merton Partnership. It sets out the Partnership's long-term vision and priorities for the borough.
Find out more and see the full Community Plan.
Annual Report
The Merton Partnership has published its annual report for 2018/19. The report looks back at some of the partnership's key developments, challenges and achievements over the year and provides information on progress against key performance indicators in 2018-19.
Merton Partnership Annual Report 2018/19
Equality and Cohesion Strategy
Merton Council's Equality and Cohesion Strategy sets out the council's equality objectives in one document and outlines how it will embed equalities considerations into its day-to-day business. Under the Equality Act 2010 Merton has a Public Sector Equality Duty to ensure that in exercising its functions and delivering services and partnership work it:
1. eliminates discrimination, harassment, victimisation
2. advances equality of opportunity between persons who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share a protected characteristic
3. fosters good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
The Act also introduced nine 'Protected Characteristics; age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex, sexual orientation.
Merton's elected members have overall responsibility for the Council's Equality Strategy. The Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Equalities and Engagement has the executive responsibility for promoting equality and diversity across the partnership and all council services, including those delivered on its behalf by businesses, voluntary, community and faith organisations.
Equality and Cohesion Strategy
Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Strategy
The Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Strategy sets out our commitment to working together with the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to benefit everyone in the community in Merton.
Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Strategy
Merton Compact
The Merton Compact is a partnership agreement between local public bodies and the voluntary and community sector to improve their relationships and provide a framework within which the sectors can understand what to expect from each other.