The Merton Partnership provides partners with a wide range of information and data about the borough.
Merton Data
The main resource is Merton Data which brings together a wide range of data and intelligence about the London Borough of Merton and its population. It also enables comparisons nationally and with other local areas.
It provides a central repository of information about Merton available for officers, partners, the voluntary sector and residents to use.
The site is regularly and automatically updated from a series of national datasets from different government departments and other bodies. Merton Data provides access to the latest information about the borough from 29 different datasets and nearly 5,000 indicators.
Information is available on the site at a borough, ward and lower super output area (LSOA) level and also enable comparisons to be made with other parts of London.
Data is presented through a series of charts and maps to enable information to be viewed in different formats. The site also brings together key council strategies, health data brought together through the JSNA and other health profiles and links to other national, London and local data sites.
Merton Data enables the Partnership to have an accurate and consistent view of what Merton is like as a borough. It contributes to a better use of data and the development of collaborative work across the council and partners.